An IndexedSeq[Double] backed by an array, just used as a return type for DoubleSeq.
A solver for weighted bipartite matching, also known as the assignment problem.
Provides member "attr" which is a map from a class to an attribute value (instance of that class).
Classes that mix in the trait "Catalog" have available a IndexedSeq list of all instances ever created.
Concrete version is implemented as an inner class of @see CmdOptions.
A simple command-line option parsing tool.
A Cubbie provides typed access to an underlying Map data-structure.
Default CmdOption collection that should be included in most CmdOptions.
We are so desperate for efficient @specialized Seq[Double], that we created our own.
Used to iterate over the contents of a DoubleSeq, with access to both the index and the value, but, unlike an Iterator[(Int,Double)], not needing to allocate memory for each iteration.
Base class for executors which run their own JVMs.
Fast, but uses one machine word of memory per-instance.
Uses no per-instance memory, and is fast because it goes directly to the companion class to get a logger, but it is the default logger for all "cc.
Lightweight subscribe/publish mechanism, implemented as a simple list of 0-argument functions that be registered and then called.
Lightweight subscribe/publish mechanism, implemented as a simple list of 1-argument functions that be registered and then called.
Lightweight subscribe/publish mechanism, implemented as a simple list of 2-argument functions that be registered and then called.
Lightweight subscribe/publish mechanism, implemented as a simple list of 3-argument functions that be registered and then called.
A container for a hyperparameter which will be optimized.
Main class which implements training of a model.
Class that mimics Java's string indexer, but for anything.
A general executor for job queues.
Class for logging messages.
Uses no per-instance memory, but slow because it does a hash lookup for each call on the logger.
A sequence of (activeDomain) indices for a possibly sparse outer product of (the activeDomains of) WeightsMap.
User: apassos Date: 6/9/13 Time: 7:20 AM
Embeds an efficient array of Ints, with convenient _append, _prepend, etc.
An executor that uses qsub as it is set up in UMass.
User: apassos Date: 3/8/13 Time: 7:59 AM
Integers from start, start+1, start+2 .
An Executor which runs jobs from a pool of machines via ssh.
Note that this will cause the Int to be boxed and unboxed.
An immutable indexed sequence containing a single element, with efficient implementations of head, last, foreach, iterator and map.
Like SortedIntArrayBuffer, but with no duplicate entries.
New functionality on String instances, available by implicit conversion in the cc.
A trait for objects that can provide type-matched substitutions of one object for another.
For gathering a sorted list of at most N indexed entries, sorted by a floating-point score.
Track and time bounded regions of code.
New functionality on Traversable instances, available by implicit conversion in the cc.
An object that has a unique identifier that is consistent across serialization.
A set with weak references.
Utilities for manipulating and creating Index objects.
The scala REPL available through an object main.
I wish I could make this object private.
Slave job created by the SSHActorExecutor
User: apassos Date: 7/30/13 Time: 2:57 PM
Will be removed.