
package classify

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BatchOptimizingLinearVectorClassifierTrainer extends OptimizingLinearVectorClassifierTrainer

    An OptimizingLinearVectorClassifierTrainer pre-tuned with default arguments well-suited to batch training, operating on all the gradients of the Examples together.

  2. class BinaryFeatures extends BinaryFeatureVectorVariable[String] with Features

  3. class Classification[V <: DiscreteVar] extends MulticlassClassification with DiscreteMarginal1[V]

    A record of the result of applying a Classifier to a variable.

  4. trait Classifier[L <: DiscreteVar] extends AnyRef

    Performs iid prediction of a DiscreteVar.

  5. class DecisionTreeClassifier[L <: DiscreteVar, F <: VectorVar] extends VectorClassifier[L, F]

  6. trait Features extends VectorVar

  7. class FeaturesCubbie extends util.Cubbie

  8. class ID3DecisionTreeClassifier extends VectorClassifierTrainer

  9. class InfoGain[L <: DiscreteVar, F <: VectorVar] extends DenseDoubleSeq

    Calculate the information gain between all features of Instances and the Instances' labels.

  10. class Label extends LabeledCategoricalVariable[String]

  11. class LabelListCubbie extends util.Cubbie

  12. case class LabeledClassification[L](label: L, classification: MulticlassClassification) extends Product with Serializable

  13. class LinearVectorClassifier[L <: DiscreteVar, F <: VectorVar] extends LinearMulticlassClassifier with VectorClassifier[L, F]

    A VectorClassifier in which the score for each class is a dot-product between the observed feature vector and a vector of parameters.

  14. trait LinearVectorClassifierTrainer extends VectorClassifierTrainer

    An object that can create and train a LinearVectorClassifier (or train a pre-existing LinearVectorClassifier) given labeled training data.

  15. class NaiveBayesClassifierTrainer extends LinearVectorClassifierTrainer

    Creates a trained naive Bayes classifier by counting feature occurrences, smoothed with pseudo-counts (m-Estimates).

  16. class NonBinaryFeatures extends FeatureVectorVariable[String] with Features

  17. class OnlineOptimizingLinearVectorClassifierTrainer extends OptimizingLinearVectorClassifierTrainer

    An OptimizingLinearVectorClassifierTrainer pre-tuned with default arguments well-suited to online training, operating on the gradient of one Example at a time.

  18. class OptimizingLinearVectorClassifierTrainer extends LinearVectorClassifierTrainer

    A LinearVectorClassifierTrainer that uses the cc.

  19. class PerLabelInfoGain[L <: DiscreteVar, F <: VectorVar] extends AnyRef

    Calculate the information gain between the binary variable "in class" / "not in class" and the binary variable "has feature" / "does not have feature" for every (label,feature) combination.

  20. class PerLabelLogOdds[L <: DiscreteVar, F <: VectorVar] extends AnyRef

    Calculate the weighted log-odds ratio: p(w|c) * log(p(w|c)/p(w|!c)) for each word w and label c.

  21. class SVMLinearVectorClassifierTrainer extends OptimizingLinearVectorClassifierTrainer

    An OptimizingLinearVectorClassifierTrainer pre-tuned with default arguments well-suited to training an L2-regularized linear SVM.

  22. class Trial[L <: LabeledMutableDiscreteVar, F] extends LabeledDiscreteEvaluation[Nothing] with IndexedSeq[LabeledClassification[L]]

    A collection of Classification results, along with methods for calculating several evaluation measures.

  23. trait VectorClassifier[V <: DiscreteVar, Features <: VectorVar] extends Classifier[V] with MulticlassClassifier[la.Tensor1]

    A Classifier in which the "input, observed" object to be classified is a VectorVar (with value Tensor1).

  24. trait VectorClassifierTrainer extends AnyRef

    An object that can create and train a VectorClassifier given labeled training data.

Value Members

  1. object Classify

  2. object Serialize

  3. package backend
