First Examples
Here are three examples providing a brief sense of FACTORIE usage.
Topic Modeling, Document Classification, and NLP on the Command-line
FACTORIE comes with a pre-built implementation of the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model. If “mytextdir” is a directory name containing many plain text documents each in its own file, then typing
$ bin/fac lda --read-dirs mytextdir --num-topics 20 --num-iterations 100
will run 100 iterations of a sparse collapsed Gibbs sampling on all the documents, and print out the results every 10 iterations. FACTORIE’s LDA implementation is faster than MALLET’s.
You can also train a document classifier. If “sportsdir” and “politicsdir” are each directories that contain plan text files in the categories sports and politics, then typing
$ bin/fac classify --read-text-dirs sportsdir politicsdir --write-classifier mymodel.factorie
will train a log-linear classifier by maximum likelihood (same as maximum entropy) and save it in the file “mymodel.factorie”.
If you also have the Maven-supplied factorie-nlp-resources JAR in your classpath, you can run many natural language processing tools. For example,
$ bin/fac nlp --wsj-forward-pos --transition-based-parser --conll-chain-ner
will launch an NLP server that will perform part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing and named entity recognition on its input.
The server listens for text on a socket, and spawns a parallel document processor on each request.
To feed it input, type in a separate shell
$ echo "Mr. Jones took a job at Google in New York. He and his Australian wife moved from New South Wales on 4/1/12." | nc localhost 3228
which then produces the output:
1 1 Mr. NNP 2 nn O
2 2 Jones NNP 3 nsubj U-PER
3 3 took VBD 0 root O
4 4 a DT 5 det O
5 5 job NN 3 dobj O
6 6 at IN 3 prep O
7 7 Google NNP 6 pobj U-ORG
8 8 in IN 7 prep O
9 9 New NNP 10 nn B-LOC
10 10 York NNP 8 pobj L-LOC
11 11 . . 3 punct O
12 1 He PRP 6 nsubj O
13 2 and CC 1 cc O
14 3 his PRP$ 5 poss O
15 4 Australian JJ 5 amod U-MISC
16 5 wife NN 6 nsubj O
17 6 moved VBD 0 root O
18 7 from IN 6 prep O
19 8 New NNP 9 nn B-LOC
20 9 South NNP 10 nn I-LOC
21 10 Wales NNP 7 pobj L-LOC
22 11 on IN 6 prep O
23 12 4/1/12 NNP 11 pobj O
24 13 . . 6 punct O
Univariate Gaussian
The following code creates a model for holding factors that connect random variables for holding mean and variance with 1000 samples from a Gaussian. Then it re-estimates by maximum likelihood the mean and variance from the sampled data.
package cc.factorie.tutorial
object ExampleGaussian extends App {
import cc.factorie._ // The base library
import cc.factorie.directed._ // Factors for directed graphical models
import cc.factorie.variable_
import cc.factorie.model._
import cc.factorie.infer._
implicit val model = DirectedModel() // Define the "model" that will implicitly store the new factors we create
implicit val random = new scala.util.Random(0) // Define a source of randomness that will be used implicitly in data generation below
val mean = new DoubleVariable(10) // A random variable for holding the mean of the Gaussian
val variance = new DoubleVariable(1.0) // A random variable for holding the variance of the Gaussian
println("true mean %f variance %f".format(mean.value, variance.value))
// Generate 1000 new random variables from this Gaussian distribution
// "~" would mean just "Add to the model a new factor connecting the parents and the child"
// ":~" does this and also assigns a new value to the child by sampling from the factor
val data = for (i <- 1 to 1000) yield new DoubleVariable :~ Gaussian(mean, variance)
// Set mean and variance to values that maximize the likelihood of the children
println("estimated mean %f variance %f".format(mean.value, variance.value))
Linear-chain Conditional Random Field for part-of-speech tagging
The following code declares data, model, inference and learning for a linear-chain CRF for part-of-speech tagging.
object ExampleLinearChainCRF extends App {
import cc.factorie._ // The base library: variables, factors
import // Linear algebra: tensors, dot-products, etc.
import cc.factorie.optimize._ // Gradient-based optimization and training
// Declare random variable types
// A domain and variable type for storing words
object TokenDomain extends CategoricalDomain[String]
class Token(str:String) extends CategoricalVariable(str) { def domain = TokenDomain }
// A domain and variable type for storing part-of-speech tags
object LabelDomain extends CategoricalDomain[String]
class Label(str:String, val token:Token) extends LabeledCategoricalVariable(str){
def domain = LabelDomain
class LabelSeq extends scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Label]
// Create random variable instances from data (a toy amount of data for this example)
val data = List("See/V Spot/N run/V", "Spot/N is/V a/DET big/J dog/N", "He/N is/V fast/J")
val labelSequences = for (sentence <- data) yield new LabelSeq ++= sentence.split(" ").map(s => {
val a = s.split("/")
new Label(a(1), new Token(a(0)))
// Define a model structure
val model = new Model with Parameters {
// Two families of factors, where factor scores are dot-products of sufficient statistics and weights.
// (The weights will set in training below.)
val markov = new DotFamilyWithStatistics2[Label,Label] {
val weights = Weights(new la.DenseTensor2(LabelDomain.size, LabelDomain.size))
val observ = new DotFamilyWithStatistics2[Label,Token] {
val weights = Weights(new la.DenseTensor2(LabelDomain.size, TokenDomain.size))
// Given some variables, return the collection of factors that neighbor them.
def factors(labels:Iterable[Var]) = labels match {
case labels:LabelSeq => => new observ.Factor(label, label.token))
++ labels.sliding(2).map(window => new markov.Factor(window.head, window.last))
// Learn parameters
val trainer = new BatchTrainer(model.parameters, new ConjugateGradient)
trainer.trainFromExamples( => new LikelihoodExample(labels, model, InferByBPChain)))
// Inference on the same data. We could let FACTORIE choose the inference method,
// but here instead we specify that is should use max-product belief propagation
// specialized to a linear chain
labelSequences.foreach(labels => BP.inferChainMax(labels, model))
// Print the learned parameters on the Markov factors.
// Print the inferred tags
labelSequences.foreach(_.foreach(l => println(s"Token: ${l.token.value} Label: ${l.value}")))