User: apassos Date: 7/15/13 Time: 2:55 PM
A part-of-speech tagger that predicts by greedily labeling each word in sequence.
A categorical variable, associated with a token, holding its Penn Treebank part-of-speech category, which also separately holds its desired correct "target" value.
A categorical variable, associated with a token, holding its Google Universal part-of-speech category, which also separately holds its desired correct "target" value.
The default part-of-speech tagger, trained on all Ontonotes training data (including Wall Street Journal), with parameters loaded from resources in the classpath.
A categorical variable, associated with a token, holding its Penn Treebank part-of-speech category.
A categorical variable, associated with a token, holding its Google Universal part-of-speech category.
The default part-of-speech tagger, trained on Penn Treebank Wall Street Journal, with parameters loaded from resources in the classpath.
Penn Treebank part-of-speech tag domain.
The "A Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset" by Slav Petrov, Dipanjan Das and Ryan McDonald http://arxiv.